Everyone has "that place" that makes their heart go pidder-patter.
Everyone has "that place" that when they close their eyes to escape the troubles of a bad day, an argument, etc., they see that magical spot.
For me, "that place" is Charleston...from the bridge, to Rainbow Row, to the market, to the cobblestone streets-I love it all.
So this past weekend, me, my mom, and my best friend hit the pavement & set the GPS to "that place."
We enjoyed good drinks at our favorite secret hole-on-the-wall spots and rooftop oasis's.
We ate fresh seafood.
We saw the sights.
And most importantly, we enjoyed each other. We talked, laughed, talked some more, laughed some more, and soaked up all the magic that Charleston holds.
Such an awesome weekend, at my favorite place in the world.
Charleston = renewed, happy spirit.