When people ask me & JWB if we are excited about bringing a little baby into this world, the answer is most definitely YES but it is a million other feelings...
it's curiosity-
what will he or she look like? {green eyes like my hubs please}
what talents will he or she have?
what will be his or her favorite food?
what will his or her personality be like?
will he or she be more athletic or more artistic?
will the baby be a he or she??? :)
it's fear-
will our baby be healthy?
how do you change a diaper? kidding, no really.
how do you instill in your little human solid values & morals?
it's bliss-
creating a baby is a miracle and truly beyond me.
the moment i heard the heartbeat, i fell in love. hard.
it's a feeling i hope everyone gets to experience in their lifetime.
we still have a ways to go before meeting the new member of our family but when our day comes, i can guarantee you he or she will be one loved bebe.
get ready world, a little version of me + jake is comin' atcha :)
I am decorating for Christmas tomorrow.
oh yes.
i love this song.
{insert throwback tune.}