Tuesday, April 23, 2013

where we've been & where we're going.

You know those rides at amusement parks that spin 'round & 'round with loud music booming & everyone is yelling & screaming a mixture of excitement & fear?
Well that's where we've been lately, on that ride.

We have a growing-like-a-weed almost 11 month old.

Bentley is into everything.
If it's on the floor, he eats it.
If it's on a table, he knocks it down.
If it's a door, he opens it.
You get the picture.

Days are long & nights are short.
Most days we feel as though we are treading water, just bobbing up & down for a breath.

We may not do things perfect but we do lots of hugs & kisses, "i love you's", & cuddles.

We started a company last year and since day one we have been beyond blessed with business.
I cannot say how thankful we are but with that work comes alot of long hours, late dinners, & good-morning-good-nights said through a revolving door.

We found out we were pregnant with baby #2 in late Feb.

From the minute you see that little plus sign on the test you start dreaming of names, if they will play football or dance around in tutus, etc

We found out almost two weeks ago that our baby no longer had a heartbeat.
I feel like that dr appt almost went in slow motion.
I can still hear the ringing in my ears & feel how cold the room got as I knew what my dr was about to say...

As hard as that day & the days that followed were I know it my heart it just was not our time to add another baby into our family.

I cannot say how thankful we are of the love & support that has been bestowed on us since our loss.

So...our game plan:

Celebrating the here & now.

Enjoying our last days of Bent being a "baby".
Will he really be 1 soon?!

Drinking wine.
it's like momma-sanity in a bottle.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

taking pictures.

this is what pictures look like these days while trying to get a smile...


Wednesday, March 6, 2013


[haha, this one is for my hubs...yes we make fun of you if you have those ridiculous things on your car.]

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Happy 9 months!

Happy 9 months Bentley!

{yes I'm late again on these monthly postings. #fail.}

[two seconds after this picture was taken, I bet you can guess what orange object found the floor.]

You weigh 24 lbs. [90th]
You are 28 3/4" long. [75th]
Your noggin' is 18 1/2" round. [90th]

You wear size 9 or 12 month clothing & size 4 diapers.

You are officially a crawling-rolling-pulling-up-on-everything machine.
You are a wild man!

You have two teeth!

You are such a good eater.

Schedule for my memory:
wake up 6ish, bottle.
normally back to sleep until 8:30
more playtime
lunch-veggie or fruit baby food jar/piece of turkey or ham/cheese
supper-"dinner" baby food jar
[mommy drinks a glass bottle of wine.]
kidding, not kidding.

You are a ball of energy.
let me repeat, you are a ball of energy.
You go & go until you pass out.

This month has been that month that people warned us about.
You are into everything! ahhhh!

This month brought us a little bit of separation anxiety ;(

You are such a sweet boy.
You play hard, but love even harder.
You give the sweetest hugs & kisses.

You love to dance.
and let me say, I think my fella has some rhythm.

You are my heart & soul.
You make us laugh, you make us cry, & you bring more happiness into our lives than we ever thought was possible.
Not every day is easy, but it is so, so worth it.

We love you, we love you, we love you.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Three Things.

*first time in the bath tub

Bentley FINALLY got a tooth...the poor boy has been teething since he was 4 months old. he is 8 1/2 months. thats 4 1/2 months of drooling, chewing, irritability, & etc.
you get the picture.

as we were happily celebrating his first tooth, we noticed the very next day he already had another one that had popped through...no more gummy grins :(

a special shout out is in order people....

my cheekbiter, my girlfriend-since-diapers, my favorite Tennessean is going to be a MOM!

congrats to Melissa & Seth!!!

Sunday marked an important birthday...KELLY/BUNNI/BFF turned 26.

Welcome to the further-from-20-closer-to-30 club.

Love you :)

She had a hell of a weekend, I'm sure a blog will soon be posted that tells the story...

Monday, February 4, 2013